Grade Subjects
Nursery - K1
(Ages 2 - 4)
Literacy Skills, Math Skills, Writing Skills,
Science, Health, Environmental Studies,
Health, Civics, PE, Spelling, Play, Story
K2 - Grade 6
(Ages 5 - 11)
Liberia Reads!, English, Mathematics, Science,
Social Studies, PE, French,
Art, Computer (G2-6), Agriculture (G4-6), Civics
Grades 7 - 9
(Ages 12 - 14)
Core: English, Mathematics, General Science,
Social Studies, PE, French, Art, Computer, Agriculture, Civics
Elective: Auto-mechanics/Electricity/Catering & Hospitality
Grades 10 - 12
(Ages 15 - 17)
Core: English, Mathematics, Biology, History, Economics,
Computer, Agriculture, Civics
Elective 1: Geography & Literature/Physics & Chemistry
Elective 2: Auto-mechanics/Electricity/Catering & Hospitality


In addition to regular classes, we seek to develop our students’ confidence through sport and public performance, with opportunities to participate in football, kickball, basketball, quizzing, debating, spelling bees, choir, traditional and modern dance, public speaking, and other programs. We also encourage students to develop their practical understanding of the world around them through field trips to the national museum, historical sites, factories, the airport, farms, the local riverside, and other locales.


Parents or guardians should proceed with their child to the school administration office for a placement assessment. Please bring the following documents:

  • A photocopy of the child’s birth certificate

  • A passport-sized ID photo for the child

  • A passport-sized ID photo for each parent / guardian

  • Copy of child’s vaccination record / Road to Health

  • A copy of the child’s latest report card (unless the child has not previously attended school)

  • A completed application form (download here, or request hard copy from office).


All student spaces at LREC are heavily subsidised through the generous support of The DEAR Foundation Switzerland. We are immensely grateful for all they do to ensure our students have access to high quality education.

All new students from K2 to Grade 12 are required to make a registration payment of US$70.00, in addition to the annual fees listed below. This incorporates additional uniform items and a one-time higher contribution to the Parent-Teacher Association and school library.

Item Nursery K1 K2 - Grade 6 Grades 7 - 9 Grades 10 - 12
PTA $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00
Uniform* $35.00 $35.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
Facilities $25.00 $50.00 $80.00 $100.00 $125.00
Activities $15.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
TVET N/A N/A N/A $150.00 $150.00
Tuition $250.00 $150.00 FREE FREE FREE
Lunch FREE FREE FREE Not provided Not provided
ANNUAL FEES $335.00 $295.00 $180.00 $350.00 $375.00


Fees for library, field trips, gala celebrations, participation in inter-school competitions, art supplies, computer labs, science labs, internet access, and ID cards are all incorporated in our overall fee structure. The school aims to minimise any additional charges to families, however should these be necessary, such charges will always be issued on school letterhead, bear the school stamp, and can be confirmed with administration.


All students: One PE T-shirt and tracksuit, one house T-shirt, three pairs of socks, and a student ID card.

Grade 12 students (additional): One necktie.

New students (additional): Cloth to sew one regular uniform set, one school badge, and one bookbag.

Parents requiring additional uniform items for their children can purchase them from the school office. The uniform price list will be publicly displayed at the school office, or you may contact administration on 0775 273 735 to confirm the current prices for items required.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Not included. Parents are responsible to purchase stationery for their child(ren). A list of required materials can be collected from the school administration office.

WAEC: Not included. Grade 3 $1000LD; Grade 6 $2000LD; Grade 9 $5000LD, unless amended by WAEC or government of Liberia. Payable to LREC accounts prior to WAEC registration process.

GRADUATION: Not included. K2 (US$50) and Grade 12 (US$100), payable prior to graduation.

RETURNING STUDENTS POLICY: Students who did not complete the previous academic year at LREC, even if they have previously attended LREC, will be billed as a new student, and will be required to settle all past accounts in full before returning.

MID-YEAR ENTRY: We accept a small number of students mid-year when space permits. TVET, tuition and activities fees for these students will be discounted by 50%.


All payments must be paid to the LREC Lonestar Mobile Money or International Bank (Liberia) Ltd accounts. No cash payments will be accepted in the school office. Payment is required before your child will be permitted to sit in class, and is non-refundable. Amounts are listed in USD, but can be paid in LD equivalent using the CBL exchange rate on the day of deposit.


Registration: US$70 due 15 August 2024 (new students Kindergarten to Grade 12 only)

First instalment: 50% due 31 August 2024

Second instalment: 50% due 31 January 2025


If paying at the bank, please deposit using your child’s name and grade. If paying by mobile money, please call the school administration immediately afterwards on 0775 273 735 to confirm the transaction details and have the payment credited to your child’s account.

Account name: Liberia Renaissance Education Complex

International Bank USD deposits: 00521970576380102

International Bank LD deposits: 00521910576380301

Lonestar Mobile Money: 231886137160
